To measure the health of a river:

The Andarríos project was established by the Junta de Andalucia to put rivers ecosystems in value by encouraging participatory action; local groups adopt a section of river and monitor its environmental health. The evolvement of local groups and associations promotes knowledge and participatory action in favour of conservation.

The project begins with the premise that: Our society owes a great debt to its rivers. These authentic biological corridors have been fundamental for human development, providing a source of resources and energy, communication routes and erosion control.

The section of river we examine goes underneath a main road by the industrial estate on the outskirts of town. I think about liminal spaces, the places between. I think about humans and nature. Under the ALDI billboard by the side of the road.

We examine microscopic life. We see frogs, invasive flora and native flora. Traces of an otter noted in the scat from is latrine. We test the PH. It is noted that since last years evaluation the quality had diminished.

I am often find myself drawn to the little things oft overlooked; seed pods, plant forms, the egg sack of a spider hanging from the wheelbarrow. Here I see a place that is overlooked or unnoticed but has great value. The life that sustains us is by the side of the road under the ALDI billboard.